I have been using handbags since long,I guess we all girls must have started using by the age of 10 yrs. Now I am in love with sling bags and prefer them more than my handbags,main reason is that I don't have to keep holding and adjusting my bag while moving around,either travelling or visiting anywhere. It's really comfortable and hassle free.
So here it is,I have this old handbag whose handle had worn off long back but the main bag is in good condition. I had got its handle changed from a cobbler some time back,but it had worn off v soon,as a result it was lying idle in almirah. There was an old laptop bag which had worn off,but it's handle was in good condition. The red earrings are also 7 yrs old,but I have not used them much as they are quite heavy to wear. While buying, I just wanted to match it with my dress which I was wearing for my dance programme. The bead necklace is my daughter's when she was 4 yrs old,some of the beads has faded and is now quite small for her to wear. I used all these to make my new sling bag which looks quite impressive and sturdy to use.
I have stitched the beads and earrings and not pasted with adhesive,so that they stay on for a longer time.
There is my final product,hope you all like my new posts and enjoy them reading as well :-)